Organica Party
"Orgánica Party" steht für elektronische Musik mit handgemachten Elementen.
Mal schnell, mal getragen.
Ob Downtempo, Midtempo oder Hightempo:
wir haben alles dabei, werden aber das Organische und das Tanzbare in der elektronischen Musik nicht vergessen.
EN: "Orgánica Party" represents electronic music with handmade elements. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Whether it's downtempo, midtempo, or hightempo, we've got it all, but we won't forget the organic and danceable aspects in electronic music.
Next Event:
- 20.12.2024 Progr Turnhalle
We are a German-Swiss collective.
With us, you'll hear Electronica, Downtempo, Organic House, and even some faster beats. Danceable, organic, and groovy is always the vibe!
We transform clubs into jungles, work with video installations, and design locations with great attention to detail.
Experience the special atmosphere for yourself and come by!

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